How CARS & STARS Online Works

How CARS & STARS Online Works

Backed up by research, accessible anywhere and giving teachers unprecedented insight into their students' progress and difficulties before they become a problem, CARS & STARS Online is designed to make every student a better reader – all while making their teachers’ lives easier.

Identifying Fact and Fiction

Identifying Fact and Fiction

While facts can be proven, opinions cannot, even though they may be expressed as if they are definitive statements. CARS & STARS Online helps students become the kind of readers who can easily – and effortlessly – evaluate a text to determine if it is fact or fiction.

Using Prior Knowledge to Enhance Future Understanding

Using Prior Knowledge to Enhance Future Understanding

CARS & STARS Online uses new concepts and ideas to engage prior knowledge and build advanced understanding – and carry it through to all aspects of becoming an expert reader.

Flexible Learning is Better for Everyone

Flexible Learning is Better for Everyone

CARS & STARS Online is flexible learning for all – in terms of both the content and where it can be learned.

Annotation for Everyone – Without Ruining a Book!

Annotation for Everyone – Without Ruining a Book!

Annotation is important to readers of all levels, and as such it’s a vital part of CARS & STARS Online that’s available across every level of the program – simple, easy to use and seamless.

Reading Digitally Reduces Barriers Between Students and Text

Reading Digitally Reduces Barriers Between Students and Text

CARS & STARS Online, unlike traditional printed text, gives the reader an unprecedented level of control over what they’re reading.

The Difference Between Reading Well and Really Comprehending

The Difference Between Reading Well and Really Comprehending

The difference between good and poor readers is not so much one of ability as one of approach. CARS & STARS Online is designed to turn every student into a comfortable and proficient reader who can approach every type of text with an advanced level of reading comprehension.

Reading Strategies Help Every Reader

Reading Strategies Help Every Reader

Comprehension strategies, like those underpinning the whole of CARS & STARS Online, help students become purposeful, active readers that are in control of their own reading comprehension and able to think critically about text in any context.

Reading Comprehension is Vital in STEM, Like Everywhere Else

Reading Comprehension is Vital in STEM, Like Everywhere Else

From the simplest levels of the program to the most complex, CARS & STARS Online is all about emphasising understanding and the development of excellent reading comprehension skills. This works hand in hand with all aspects of STEM instruction to create not just better readers, but students who are better positioned to take on all subjects – be they STEM or anything else they put their mind to.

No Student Falls Through the Comprehension Cracks

No Student Falls Through the Comprehension Cracks

CARS & STARS Online is uniquely positioned to help readers who might be able to read fluently, but whose comprehension of what they are reading lags behind that fluency. The new Focus Reading module also features targeted practice in areas of need so that readers who might be behind in an area can focus on it and improve.

Reading Aloud Allowed

Reading Aloud Allowed

Read Aloud allows children who would normally be daunted by a text to engage with it before they even realise that they are. That’s a real boon to reading instruction, and just one more reason why CARS & STARS Online is a reading comprehension program like no other.

Writing Improves Reading Too

Writing Improves Reading Too

Writing responses is the highest level of comprehension because students can communicate their learning and viewpoints, demonstrating the extent of their knowledge about a text and articulating their own learning. This is a valuable insight for teachers and a pivotal part of the STARS module of CARS & STARS Online, and FOCUS Reading, with their goal of making all students better readers.

The Home-School Connection

The Home-School Connection

Learning to read is one of the most important life skills there is, and in these unprecedented times parents can be more informed than ever about their children’s progress with CARS & STARS Online.

Reading Instruction Anywhere, Anytime, for Everyone

Reading Instruction Anywhere, Anytime, for Everyone

Equally useable in both a classroom environment or for at-home learning, and accessible from anywhere with only a device and an internet connection, CARS and STARS is perfect for the classroom of tomorrow – or the classroom, bedroom, kitchen table, backyard, waiting room or indeed anywhere of today!

Students Working from School or Home, Seamlessly

Students Working from School or Home, Seamlessly

In difficult times, CARS & STARS Online works just as well at home as it does at school. The program was made to be used between the two when return to the classroom is uncertain or temporary, ensuring the seamless continuation of your child’s reading comprehension journey – whatever tomorrow brings.

Cutting Edge Reading Comprehension Doesn’t Need a Cutting-Edge Computer

Cutting Edge Reading Comprehension Doesn’t Need a Cutting-Edge Computer

CARS & STARS Online is designed to work on any device with an internet connection, with no special requirements or additional hardware needed. It puts every student back into the classroom – without making their computer load the whole classroom first!

Results You Can Work With – Without the Work

Results You Can Work With – Without the Work

With CARS & STARS Online, results are more powerful than ever. And they’re more easily collected, displayed and usefully harnessed, all by a process that occurs automatically and instantly, and which requires no direct teacher intervention to complete.

Use CARS & STARS Online on Any Device with an Internet Connection

Use CARS & STARS Online on Any Device with an Internet Connection

CARS & STARS Online is designed to work on any type of device, anywhere, with just an internet connection. It makes digital reading comprehension accessible and easy for all.

Multiple-Choice Questions Benefit Everyone

Multiple-Choice Questions Benefit Everyone

The multiple-choice options in CARS & STARS Online offer a consistent and simplified, yet powerful way for students to demonstrate their understanding, while making it easier for teachers to view and compare results, instantly.

The Classroom of the Future Doesn’t Have to be a Classroom at All

The Classroom of the Future Doesn’t Have to be a Classroom at All

CARS & STARS Online can make your students better readers, but it can also make them readers anywhere – at whatever time of the day they choose.