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The Role of Technology in Modern Education

The Role of Technology in Modern Education

Technology in education can serve as a catalyst for innovation, personalisation and accessibility. To find out how CARS & STARS Online, as an advanced online reading comprehension program, aligns with these goals, click the link below. 

CARS & STARS Online and Special Education

CARS & STARS Online and Special Education

Being a highly skilled, competent reader is a skill that improves every learner’s life. And with CARS & STARS Online, achieving that is within every student’s grasp – even those with special needs – and more easily achievable for their teacher than ever before.

Targeted Instruction with CARS & STARS Online

Targeted Instruction with CARS & STARS Online

CARS & STARS Online is built on the core belief that no student learns the same way or at the same pace, and this knowledge informs the whole program – making it one built on targeted instruction and differentiation as its central concept, rather than something added later to complement existing, more rigid instruction

CARS & STARS Online and Special Education

CARS & STARS Online and Special Education

Being a highly skilled, competent reader is a skill that improves every learner’s life. And with CARS & STARS Online, achieving that is within every student’s grasp – and more easily achievable for their teacher than ever before.

The Benefits of the Wealth of Student Data that CARS & STARS Provides

The Benefits of the Wealth of Student Data that CARS & STARS Provides

Having a better grasp of student achievements and progress, as well as difficulties and areas of concern, has always been the difference between being an informed and switched-on teacher and one who is “flying blind”. Better use of student data means more effectively being able to inform teaching and assessment decisions, in ways that can benefit both teachers and students.

Differentiated Instruction as Standard

Differentiated Instruction as Standard

A teacher using CARS and STARS Online for their class – or group of classes – can stay on top of individual student progress while providing instruction that caters to the individual needs of every student with a program that sees differentiation as a core feature, rather than as an extra element to strive for.

CARS & STARS Online and Guided Reading

CARS & STARS Online and Guided Reading

The benefits of guided reading have long been apparent. Primarily, it allows for differentiated instruction. The teacher groups children by reading level and then meets that level with appropriately levelled texts. The smaller groups allow the teacher to identify weaknesses in readers and to better target them. Guided reading also helps build reading comprehension and fluency, with teachers listening closely when students read and responding accordingly. This process could not be more aligned with CARS & STARS Online.

Flexible Learning is Better for Everyone

Flexible Learning is Better for Everyone

CARS & STARS Online is flexible learning for all – in terms of both the content and where it can be learned.

No Student Falls Through the Comprehension Cracks

No Student Falls Through the Comprehension Cracks

CARS & STARS Online is uniquely positioned to help readers who might be able to read fluently, but whose comprehension of what they are reading lags behind that fluency. The new Focus Reading module also features targeted practice in areas of need so that readers who might be behind in an area can focus on it and improve.

Welcome to the Next Levels

Welcome to the Next Levels

CARS & STARS Online allows every student to work at the level of their own understanding, and every teacher to cater for multiple ability levels within the one class, at the same time. It’s the best way to reach every student and improve their reading comprehension.

CARS & STARS Online and Disadvantaged Schools and Students

CARS & STARS Online and Disadvantaged Schools and Students

CARS & STARS Online brings data-driven instruction to the classroom in a way that is both uniquely targeted and easy to administer. For disadvantaged schools and students, it offers a way of teaching directly and informedly that is unparalleled in the field of reading comprehension instruction.

Differentiation as Second Nature

Differentiation as Second Nature

CARS & STARS Online is built on the core belief that no student learns exactly the same way or at exactly the same pace, and this knowledge informs the whole program – making it one built on differentiation as its central concept, rather than something added later to complement existing, more rigid instruction.

It’s All in the Data!

It’s All in the Data!

Data-gathering and utilisation, at the forefront of modern educational practice, are also at the forefront of the CARS & STARS Online program. Ongoing, accurate and transferable data collection at every stage of instruction and assessment allows the teacher to have a total picture of their class and individual students at any time, allowing instant identification of students requiring specialised care or instruction, and making differentiation a constant and ongoing process for every class rather than an afterthought.

A Teacher’s Story, A Students’ Journey

A Teacher’s Story, A Students’ Journey

In today's world of differentiated classrooms, teachers strive to deliver the best possible instruction to every student while being acutely aware of the differences in outlook, circumstances, experience and skill in every child. CARS & STARS Online is built on the core idea of offering every student instruction personalised to their needs. With CARS & STARS Online's advanced system of classroom management, one teacher can administer a class in which every student might be at an instructionally different level.


Discover how CARS & STARS Online’s integrated teaching and learning system gives teachers the insights and instructional tools to differentiate and support student growth.



Get the data you need to drive instruction and measure progress.



Target instruction on the essential reading comprehension strategies.

FOCUS Reading

FOCUS Reading

Concentrated practice to reinforce essential reading strategies.


This differentiated program allows students to read texts which are at a level suitable for their current ability and leads to students being more engaged in reading lessons. As a result, they can experience success and improve their reading and comprehension abilities. CARS & STARS Online is an important part of the English program and we are seeing fantastic improvement across all years in students' reading and comprehension abilities.

Linda Samardali
Head of Department from Kinross College

I've found CARS & STARS Online has really helped in improving my children's reading skills. The skills were all clearly presented with a lot of samples and practice opportunities. The student report also gives the parents a clear guide as to which areas need reinforcement and which areas each child is strong in.

Shannon Zhao
Parent from Sydney

I have found CARS & STARS Online very beneficial, especially during our time teaching and learning remotely. The ability to track live what the students are doing was helpful to ensure that they were remaining on task and to provide feedback.

Brent Ritchie
Teacher from Haileybury

Now that I understand how to use the online program and utilise the tools correctly, I am enjoying using CARS & STARS Online. The ability to locate and download the different reports is phenomenal!

Amber Rains
Teacher from Kambala

I am a bit of a technophobe but using CARS & STARS Online has certainly made life easier and the kids have found it easy to navigate.

Jo Oram
Teacher from Prescott College Southern

CARS & STARS Online has become a very useful tool for my staff to implement effective teaching and learning programs. Having a tool that gives timely assessment results, meets students at their level of need and allows them to see exactly what students are working on in real-time is time effective and impacts on future goals.

The detailed assessment data generated by CARS & STARS Online informs the specific direction of their reading and comprehension teaching. Students report they enjoy the tasks and feel a real sense of accomplishment as they work through the lessons and assessments at their own pace.

Craig Brown
Principal from Toongabbie Public School


Do you like what you’ve seen and want to share it with your teachers and principals? Use the Refer Now button to send them an information pack containing the benefits of CARS & STARS Online (which include Australian Curriculum 9.0 teaching resources), supporting research, professional development information, pricing and available plans with just one click.



See the difference. Sign up now for free and experience a full 30 days with all of our premium features & benefits. Seamlessly transition into our packages or cancel any time.